
Developing Imagination

It’s great to be able to watch a child grow and develop. Great and terrible at the same time actually. MDF is starting to be able to think abstractly, in the sense that she has started to think about imaginary things. This is great when she plays house, or wants to “be sharks!” But not good when she’s scared of monsters at bed-time. I still remember being scared when I was little and I was hoping that MDF wouldn’t have to go through that, but I guess it is something every child has to deal with.

Yesterday CDF sent me an instant message right after MDF woke up from her nap which illustrates much of the above.

(15:10:11) chefdemala: well let me go check on her & see if she is ready to come out..

(15:10:31) chefdemala: she has said that daddy will come home soon…where’s daddy..daddy will come home soon

(15:10:43) chefdemala: i keep saying yes, he’ll come home soon…

(15:10:52) chefdemala: just a few more hours for her to wait now..

(15:15:19) chefdemala: i am a mommy boy..and i work at the sewing machine..

(15:15:34) chefdemala: morganne is a morganne monseter & she she works like her daddy

(15:15:37) chefdemala: ttyl!


Visiting a Farm, and Sharks!

Yesterday we took MDF up to Mike’s Farm just off of Catherine’s Lake Road. She really enjoyed seeing the animals there, and she even stopped long enough for us to take a few pictures by a wagon.


It’s Autumn!

While on the topic of MDF… she’s begun exercising/expressing her imagination and the most recent thing has been for her to pretend that CDF or I are sharks and she is a fish. Well, the other day her imagination got the better of her. I came in the house after getting back from work and she was watching TV. Apparently I startled her because she jumped up and ran in the back yelling to CDF, “Mom! It’s a shark!” It still amuses me.


Fall Festival

MDF and CDF went to the MnM Fall festival this week. MDF was dressed up in a cat suit — “tiger” as she said — and looked very cute.


MDF and Mackenzie

CDF had this comment about the picture:

Here is MDF with her friend Mackenzie. Mackenzie will turn 3 on Monday, Oct. 24th. After this picture was taken, the girls turned to each other & MDF informed Mackenzie that she was a tiger & Mackenzie told MDF she was a princess. They then ran around the room & hid under the table that I was setting up for the mom’s group. They had a great time together!

She also got more pictures of MDF after the party. This is one of the best.


A happy cat!

These are just cute & I have been wanting to get some pictures of her dressed in a fall outfit with a background similar to this…but so far I have not been able to. So, I thought it perfect for her to be dressed as a tiger-cat with fall background! Took the opportunity when it presented itself!


Two Years Old

MDF turned two today! Yesterday we celebrated her birthday with a party and invited a bunch of people. Of the friends her age we invited Alex and Alison Shultz, Tyler and Anna Kate Kilpatrick, and Nicholas Croom. We also invited the Moores, Mrs. Joy, and all our extended family.


Picnic in the Kitchen

I think everything went really well. Because of the rain, we had the picnic inside on the kitchen floor, and they had peanut butter and jelly “uncrustable” sandwiches, chips, and cake. CDF made up some punch too for everyone to drink.


Eating Cake

MDF got a lot of nice presents. She got at least two kitchen toy sets, four wooden puzzles, a rain jacket, some books, and a singing caterpillar toy made by Leap Frog. CDF also gave her the bug/Clifford quilt she had made a while back. And my parents gave her the children’s Bible we had picked out.


All Her Presents

Also I want to mention the two cakes CDF made. After a lot of hard work she finally turned out two very pretty cakes (I helped by frosting them!).


The Birthday Girl Turns Two Cake

The Pooh Birthday Cake

MDF’s Words

Last week MDF had a cold and we were running the humidifier in her room during nap time and at night. When I got home from work the first day after CDF had run the humidifier during MDF’s nap, MDF wanted to show me something. So we went to her room so she could show me the “menufier.” She wasn’t sure if she liked it or not, but was definitely impressed by it and wanted to tell me all about the “menufier.”



Even though we thought we were ready for it MDF still surprises us when she does something new.



Yesterday CDF and MDF were on the way to Food Lion and the radio was tuned to a classical radio station. As they were going along MDF asked a question.

“What’s that noise?”

“What noise?” said CDF

“Mama, what’s that noise?”

“You mean the music?”

“Yes,” said MDF.

“That’s music you listen to. It’s for being quiet and relaxing and listening to.”

“Sing, Mama!”

“But this music doesn’t have words, we just listen to the music.”

There was quiet for a moment.

“What’s that noise?”


Home with Dad

This past Thursday CDF went out with the girls and I stayed home with MDF. I met CDF at the church and traded cars. Then MDF and I went over to Walmart to pick up some pictures a buy a VCR for the church.

When we got home it was 6:00 PM and time for supper. After supper though, we went outside to walk around and look for blackberries, bunnies, and whatever else we could see.


Sitting on the Bench

The crabapple tree she’s sitting beside has a lot of “baby apples.” It’ll be something if they all ripen this fall. I hope they’re good to eat.


Sunday Afternoon With Dad

Yesterday afternoon CDF went with her mother to pick up Mrs. Joy from the airport. So MDF and I had the afternoon together. CDF left from the church and I headed home with MDF in the van. On the way we sang the song, “Deep and Wide,” that MDF had learned that morning while in the Nursery with CDF. I’m still amazed at how fast she learns and retains things.

We had ham, noodles, and corn for lunch, and despite her protests about the noodles, she ate pretty well. We had mango cake with cherry ice cream on top, and she like the pineapples in the cake the most.

After lunch she took a nap and I watched Lord of the Rings (pt 3) for a couple of hours (and still didn’t finish it… that’s a long movie). After nap, she was ready to go out an play in the sand box. CDF had set out the beach umbrella so she could play out there and not get sunburned.


MDF loves to play in the sand (June 11)

We played for a good while, and she didn’t stop even when Pop and Ruth stopped by for a visit. Eventually though it was time to go inside and get something to drink. Then, after cleaning off her feet, she went inside and played with Ruth (and got her to read books).


Making sure they’re clean.

Later that afternoon MDF and I went for a walk around the block. Actually we first went down toward the hospital to the empty lot to find blackberries (“black raisins” according to MDF). Then we went down S Walker and to the first right after Campbell Street. There are some nice houses down that street, including a very cute, tiny, two story house that looks like it dates back to colonial times. I’m sure it’s not more than a thousand square feet, and maybe smaller.


Afternoon Walk

On a side note, MDF missed her mommy all afternoon. She actually talked to CDF on the phone — more than she’s ever talked on the phone — and MDF couldn’t get enough of her when CDF finally got home at 6:45 PM. She just wanted to hug CDF and sit on her nap.



A couple days ago, Tuesday to be exact, CDF and MDF were out in the back yard and CDF set up the sprinkler. Then she and MDF ran around in the water… well MDF actually preferred just to stand in the water and talk to “Mama” about the rain!


“Rain, Mama!”