Rambling Thoughts

School Outside

The weather was just perfect for doing science out side. Everything was done under the watchful eye of the substitute teacher. She kept everything under control with a twitch of her tail!


The Cat is Watching
Around the House Rambling Thoughts

Crazy Cat

CDF sent me this earlier…

For some reason our crazy cat, Cali, decided to climb onto a fence near our house & jump onto the roof our house. She seems quite content up there…which is good, as I do not have a ladder to get her down, nor am I calling the Fire Dept to come & get her down.

[Our] friends that rescued [jModule] from a tree to get said cat, currently live in [Africa]. I’m not sure where their ladder is. We should have offered to keep it in storage for them while they are overseas!

I hope I was able to give you a laugh for the day!


Walking the Roof

Taking it all in
Around the House

Cat Pictures

Pictures of our new cat. The first after she was awake from a short nap.



Then she decided nothing interesting was going on and went back to sleep.


Napping In the Living Room
Around the House

Cali the Calico

From CDF:

Well last night a kitten wandered into our backyard and Dixie found her — she ran back on the other side of the fence. We saw no sight of a mom, so we bathed her and brought her in the house with us. Here are some pictures of the kitten. She likes Dixie — though Dixie is not too sure about her! When Cali comes to be beside Dixie, she normally gets up and leaves the kitten — who then follows after Dixie. Kinda funny.


Dixie and Cali

Playing with MD

Worn Out

Get the String Again
Around the House Daughters

Bennett for a Day

Thursday evening of last week we went for a walk like we often do around past the hospital and back up to Hayes street. As we got to the intersection of Bennett and Hayes we saw a little kitten coming toward us. He was mewing and toddling along. There were a bunch of flies on his back and I had a sinking feeling that he was in bad shape. Still he had pluck and tried following us up the next street. We took pity on him and I ran ahead to get a box to carry him in.

On closer inspection we could see that the flies had laid masses of eggs on his back. References on the Internet suggested that these flies are the first to spot rotting meat. I could only imagine what sort of sores were on this poor animals back. Still we took him home to see what we could do. While CDF talked to someone on the phone about getting him to an animal shelter I looked closer. His eyes were infected and couldn’t open (he must of been following us by the sound of our footsteps). and while his fur was matted with eggs, I couldn’t see any wounds or blood or anything that might suggest an injury. I put on rubber gloves and started to clean the eggs off.

It turned out that the cat was uninjured. Once we cleaned the eggs out of his fur he looked okay on the outside. We gave him water and a little to eat.

Asleep after a bath

The next morning CDF and the girls took him to the vet. He was very week, dehydrated, and had a viral infection that was common to kittens. They gave him fluids and we got medicine to give him. CDF took him home and gave him a bath to get rid of the fleas. The vet said if he could survive long enough to get back his strength he would be okay. We decided to name him Bennett for the street where we found him (or he found us).

Unfortunately the next morning he had gotten so weak he was having trouble holding his head up. He no longer wanted to eat or drink. By the time we got him to the vet it was apparent he was fading away. The vet took him back, but soon returned and said he had died.

We were all sad and Mo cried some. But we were still happy that we were able to help the little guy have a comfortable last few days.