
Bath Time

MDF still enjoys bath time. Last night she was taking a bath and I had a green cup that I was going to use to rinse her hair. She loves to play with it, normally pouring water on her legs and stomach. So after I had poured water on her head to rinse out the shampoo, she decided to try it too, and poured water on her face. She gasped and I wiped the water out of her eyes, but apparently she liked the feeling, because she poured another cupful on her head and laughed. On the third cup, though, she inhaled some water and had a fit of coughing. After that she was content to go back to pouring water on her legs.


In the tub.

Trouble at Nap Time

Yesterday MDF got into trouble during nap time. For some reason
CDF went to check on her. She had been quiet for an hour at least
and CDF thought she had been sleeping or at least playing quietly
with her stuffed animals. But no… she was getting into stuff.

She had gotten ahold of the Balmex® ointment and had covered her
face and neck with it. It was in her hair and shirt too. She had also
pulled out some baby wipes and scattered those around.

CDF took it all in stride and calmly got MDF out of bed,
cleaned her up, changed her diaper, and put her back down to finish her
nap. After all that MDF went right to sleep and slept well. 😉


Home in a Chair

A week or so ago, one Saturday, I was washing off the beach chairs and had left them out in the yard to dry. Of course, MDF was curious and decided to investigate. It didn’t take her long to decide it was a “house,” and she played in and around it. She even got my car keys and was “locking the door.”


MDF’s House

Pictures of Birds

Last night I was trying to take some pictures of the birds at our feeder. MDF was trying to help me and was fascinated with the LCD on the back of the camera. I was telling her that I was trying to take pictures of the birds outside.

“Pictures of birds?” she asked a moment later.

Then she though for another few moments and asked, “Pictures of MDF?”

I laughed and took a couple of pictures of her too. Of course she wanted to see them played back on the LCD.

Then I sat on the floor and we took some pictures of Dixie too, until she decide she’d rather be petted and tried to climb all over us.


“Pictures of MDF?” she asked.

Growing Up

It is amazing, and scary, to watch our little girl grow up. In the past week or two she has suddenly started picking up words and phrases that we say right away. Before it could take a while before she would start saying something. Now it’s almost immediate.

For example, yesterday we went to Dover Mortgage to sign paperwork. The lady who was doing our paperwork, Mrs. Connie, stepped out to make some photocopies. CDF told MDF that Mrs. Connie would be right back. MDF thought about it for a moment and then said, “Connie, where are you… Connie, where are you?” We we both stunned and started laughing.

Every day she’s more able to respond to our questions. Unfortunately along with that comes, “no!” But we’ll have to deal with that as time goes by.

Another thing I’ve notice is that she’s testing consiquences, maybe looking for cause and effect. I told her not to touch the dirty spoons in the dishwasher. She said, “touch,” and touched them again. Then she said, “spank,” and I agreed, yes she did need a spanking and popped her hand. She gave me a look that seem to say, “yup, that’s what’s supposed to happen,” so I pretty sure she’s testing us, finding out what she can and cannot do.



MDF still finds shadows disconcerting. Yesterday we were walking around outside the church while CDF was in Sunday School. For the most part now, MDF is fine with her own shadow. But other ones, bushes especially, still bother her. I guess it’s the spiky look of the bare branches and early buds that bothers her. Of course I don’t know for sure.


The Full Moon


MDF pointing out the moon (2/18/2005)

MDF has learned about the moon. We’ve had a full moon for the past week or so (and yes, Dixie has been extra kooky because of it), and it has been rising in the mid afternoon so it’s quite visible when I normally take MDF outside.

So we were outside Friday afternoon when I pointed out the moon. She talked about it, and pointed, for a while, and then we went to swing.


She’s Talking More

A few months ago MDF learned how to say and sign airplane whenever she saw or heard one fly over our house. And she’s continued to be interested in airplanes. More recently she learned to say “airport,” but I can’t tell if she understands anything other than airplane and airport are associated together. Regardless, I tell her the airplanes are going to the airport whenever they fly over our house.

Then the other day we were driving to Walmart, going down S. College, when an airplane when by overhead on its way to the airport. We pointed it out to MDF and she started saying “airplane,” and “airport.”

Then all of a sudden she said “Airport, where are you?”

I asked CDF, “Has she ever … ?”


It was the first time we’d ever heard her say a phrase like that. Since then she’s learned to say “where are you” about other things (Dixie, Foo Food, baby, etc). It’s really funny what ends up being her firsts.



Two nights ago I was reading a computer magazine while MDF was eating her snack. On the cover it has a picture of two dueling robots to advertise the main story about the “virus wars.” Of course MDF wanted to know what it was, and I told her it was a robot. After a few tries the best she could do was “ba’dat,” but she was enthused to be discussing Daddy’s magazine (or so it seemed).

Then yesterday morning she spotted the magazine on my desk and wanted to know about the “ba’dat” again…


Eating Fruit

MDF likes fruit. And vegetables, french fries, and a few other things. She doesn’t care much for meat, or plain rice.

On Saturday, the 20th, I gave her some canned fruit. It had peaches, pears, and cherries. When she took the first bite, she made a face.


After chewing for a few moments she decided it was okay.


Dixie hovered around and thought she would like a bite. But I explained to the dog that we were having peaches, and from past experience we know that dogs don’t like fruits or vegetables — dogs only like meat and rice. With those opposite tastes, it’s no wonder she and MDF get along so well.
