
Over the Weekend

This past weekend was a busy one. I took off Friday to go with CDF and the girls to Havelock where CDF had an appointment to get her eyes checked. Then we found out that Stephanie and Vasco were planning on moving the bulk of their furniture that morning, so I volunteered to help. It ended up that I only needed to help bring it in the house since Vasco had help from work. But I was able to help set up the beds and dressers after the everything was brought in.

Then Saturday Galina had a piano recital for all her students at Covenant Presbyterian in Jacksonville. So we managed to switch tickets for the Christmas play at Scotts HIll Baptist Church from that evening to Sunday afternoon. Galina had about twenty to twenty-five students of all ages and skill levels. They all did a good job and at the very end, Anna Vick sang a solo with Galina accompanying her.

Sunday we went to the 4 o’clock performance of the Christmas play. Galina was going to watch CEF while we took MDF, but when MDF heard who was coming she decided to stay home and play. So just CDF and I went to the play. We enjoyed it, though it was long. It was a mixture of singing, a little acting/storytelling, and some dancing (swing and modern/ballet). I think MDF would have enjoyed the dancers, but it would have been hard for her to sit through the whole thing.

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