

Yesterday, December 12, at 3:30 PM, Dadu passed away. He was surrounded by his loving family to the very end.

He was at Pitt Memorial Hospital where he had been admitted for trouble with his swallowing reflex. The doctors were not able to successfully treat the problem and he grew weak from only being nourished by an IV. He developed congestive heart failure and while they were treating that, he got a pneumonia infection. The doctor realized his chances for survival were falling rapidly and called the family up to the hospital on Tues., December 11.

CDF and I went up Tuesday afternoon and I got to speak to him while he was still able to open his eyes. We were all able to express our love before he became unconscious, and I’m grateful for that. Niddie and Wavy flew down from New York and arrived that evening. Ruth drove up from Mississippi and she and Heidi stayed by Dadu’s side all night.

Dadu’s body will be cremated and we will be having a memorial service at the end of this week or the beginning of the next.

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