
A Memorial Service for Dadu

Today we had a memorial for Dadu at his house. It was scheduled for 10 o’clock, but got started a little late. JoAnn and John, Dadu’s neighbors, were there, as well as Sitome who played in his string ensemble. Tony Langley came for the service (Tassy and Deedee arrived later), and Andrew Thompson, a friend of Ruth’s from Lagniappe church in Mississippi, stopped on his way to Pennsylvania.

Pop opened with a prayer and a short reading. Wavy followed with her remembrances and read a passage from Ecclesiastes and some other thoughts from a famous author (who’s name I can’t recall). Niddie had a few words about Dadu’s love of music and played a recording made by a student who had purchased Dadu’s cello. Then the service was opened to anyone who wanted to say something. Jo-Ann talked about how she had enjoyed living beside Dadu, and all the conversations they had together. Finally after everyone had said something, I closed with a few thoughts of my own, read Psalm 23, and ended with a prayer.

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