
Quilting Show

CDF is starting to get into quilting as a hobby. She’s already made one quilt as a throw for Stephanie and Vasco, and she’s currently working on another for her nephew. But I think she’s gotten even more inspired (although we had to fight off some dispair) after we went to a quilt show on Saturday.

There were a lot of beautiful quilts on display at the show, some were more complex than others (not to mention the group that were all hand sewn). She found one pattern that she’d like to try soon, but most of them just amazed her. She got to talk to some people, and may try going to the quilting meetings that are held locally. I think it would be great if she could get involved with somthing like this.

We should have taken our camera and taken pictures of the best quilts, but alas we didn’t know that camera’s were allowed until we got inside. A lot of artistry is involved in quiliting, more than I realized before.

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