
Picnic Blanket

We were up at my parents this weekend for Heidi’s birthday party (21!) and were having a cookout in their back yard. They set out a blanket for MDF to crawl on and she loved it. She would play for a while in the middle of the blanket and then crawl to the edge to feel the grass. She went back and forth many times. CDF and Ruth took a bunch of pictures so I’ll have to post one here.

MDF was also interested in the cats and dog that my family has. She especially liked to watch the cats. We tried to get close to both of them, but they’re really shy.

Another thing of note, when we went by CDF’s parents’ house before heading home I noticed that Sparky has become calm enough for me to let her sniff MDF. She’s actually better than Dixie in one important respect: she doesn’t lick!

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