
Myrtle Beach

This past week I took the family down to North Myrtle Beach when I went to the SEDUG conference. For me, there were just a couple of conference sessions that looked interesting, but CDF was looking forward to shopping! The Hilton that hosts the conference is just up the road from a Tanger outlet and another shopping center, so the girls always looking forward to coming with me.

A weather front moved in while we were at the beach. A couple of mornings the fog was so thick we couldn’t see the breakers when looking out the window at the beach. But by the afternoon the weather was nice enough for a walk on the beach. The girls ran around on the sand and tried to pick up the foam that was washing up with the breakers.

I went to a couple of sessions on Business Continuity, High Availability, Disaster Recovery, etc., and got some interesting perspectives, but for the most part, we’ve already implemented most of what they talked about, so it wasn’t anything new. The last session was about the direction Datatel is taking in their software development. The company is really pushing Microsoft as the platform to run their application, but they offer some consolation by pointing out that the new development kit is written as a plugin for Eclipse.

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