
More Words

Every so often I like to record how and what the girls can say, especially as they’re learning to talk. CE is taking her time (at least compared to MD) and has not developed a big vocabulary yet. She is using sign language well though.

So far she can say:

  1. bye bye (dy dy)
  2. hello
  3. oh, I see!
  4. yes and no
  5. cat (cat, cat)
  6. dog
  7. Dixie
  8. please
  9. cheese (when she wants her picture taken)
  10. toes
  11. waaaaaagh 😉

MD has also asked about how she used to say things. I got out the humidifier yesterday and we were talking about how she used to call it “menufier” and that piqued her curiosity about what else she might have said.

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