
MDF’s 4th Birthday

Today for MDF’s birthday CDF and I took her to Wilmington as a special thing for just the three of us. We went to Greenfield Lake to walk around, play at the play ground and “hunt for alligators.” We actually saw an alligator when we went over the big footbridge on the north side of the lake.


Alligator Goes By

Enjoying the Park

After the park we went to Chic-fil-A for lunch. MDF played in their play zone too. Then when lunch was over we went back across Market Street to Walmart and let her pick out something to buy as a birthday surprise. From Walmart we went over to Cold Stone Creamery and got ice cream. MDF picked strawberry ice cream with M&M’s on the top. CDF got cheesecake with Snicker’s bars mixed in.


A Surprise Present

Then after we got home, and MDF had a short rest time, she and I went for a bike ride on her new bike! She did great — exept for when she almost crashed head first into a big ditch, before she learned about brakes. Later this afternoon we went back out on the street, this time I pushed CEF in the stroller, and she rode without incident, having learned how to work the brakes.


Ready to go for a Ride

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