
Late Night

On her way back from the first night at the retreat, CDF got sick. My guess is that her inner ear was thrown out of whack by going up and down in the mountains, but we don’t know for sure. Regardless of the cause, I ended up picking her up from the hospital at 2:00 AM. We finally made it back to the condo and got to sleep at 3:30 AM.

I’m not sure what time we got up Saturday morning, but after breakfast we looked out side and found the rain had stopped and the temperature was nice enough for a walk. So I got the girls dressed and we headed toward the lake. We walked through the golf course along a path that crossed three bridges. At the first bridge we saw some purple berries, “india squirt berries” as they came to be called, and made plans to pick some later. Finally we got to the lake and the girls took off their shoes to wade in the water. On the way back we saw a couple of feral dogs laying in the sun along the path. Fortunately they didn’t bother us. Later that afternoon we drove to the south side of Lake Lure to shop at Ingles and get the groceries we needed.


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