
Lake Lure

Friday was our first day. We got to the resort around three in the afternoon. We took highway 64 from I-40 through Ruth and past Rutherfordton to get to the resort. There are a lot of hills as you go south of I-40, but it didn’t get really curvy until we got off Hwy 64 and went up the mountain on Bills Creek Road. About halfway down 64 we stopped at a gas station to switch so CDF could drive so she wouldn’t get sick on the dips and turns.


It had started raining after Greensboro and rained all night until sometime early the next morning. We got to our condo — after taking a wrong turn and going up a very windey road the wrong way — and got everything unpacked. The rain and cold made it too unpleasant to go out for a walk, so we were stuck inside. The condo is split into three levels, dining room, kitchen and living room at the top. Foyer and bedroom in the middle, and the master bedroom at the bottom. The girls were excited about the stairs and both wanted to explore. But after CE fell down the stairs twice, I told them that she would have to stay in the living room with me. That disappointed MD, since she wanted to play chase or hide-and-seek, but that wasn’t going to work with the stairs. But we made it through the evening and I finally gave them a bath and put them to bed.

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