
Labor Day

In a touch of irony, CDF had another, stronger, episode of labor (false or otherwise) today. It involved another trip to the hospital and, of course, we were sent back home, frustrated to have had another false alarm.

It started at 9:30 this morning. CDF started having contractions in her back and lower pelvis. By 10:30 they had increased in freqency from 7 min. apart to 4 or 5 min. apart. By 11 o’clock I told her to call the Doctor, because it was starting to look like labor. Her back was hurting to the point it was uncomfortable to sit, and she would pace back and forth in the living room. Of course that did nothing to help our nerves (or at least mine).

The doctor called back and told us to come on in so she could check us out. This time we put the bags in the car. We also thought it was a good sign that she was still having “contractions” on the drive (unlike before).

The nurse wasn’t as nice (and not as thorough as before), but she checked CDF and the baby. The baby was fine and active as ever. She claimed that CDF wasn’t having contractions (though now we think that it’s probably more accurate to say she’s not having “active labor contractions,” instead of dismissing them all together).

We certainly didn’t stay as long this time. They must have been busy today. It took us a while to get checked in and then they rushed us right back out.

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