Around the House Family

Ice Cream for Father’s Day

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CDF and the girls gave me an ice cream maker for Father’s Day this year. I had occasionally talked about getting one for a while now, but I had forgotten about it recently and was surprised by the gift.

So Sunday afternoon I went to the grocery store and got what we needed to make mint chocolate chip ice cream! I asked MD if she wanted to go with me and she said she didn’t — but of course she changed her mind as soon as I left. But she and CE got to help me when I got back.

CE really wanted to help, and got upset when she couldn’t stir and taste as much as she wanted (she had also gotten up from her nap in a cranky mood). But they both had a chance to stir and taste the ice cream as I took it out of the mixer and put it in the freezer to set.

It was getting too late to eat the ice cream that night (it was supposed to set for 2 hours), so we rode bikes the A. B. Grill to get ice cream there.

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