
Dance Recital

Last night was MD’s first dance recital with Performing Arts Studio. It was a two-hour production with all the students in the studio doing two or three performances. MD had four numbers: ballet, gymnastics, tumbling, and signing. It was all done with Christmas songs, and the last one was “Happy Birthday Jesus.” Best of all she did not get nervous or flustered by missteps, but instead enjoyed performing and had a great time.


Tap Dancing Elephant

While we were on vacation, the girls got to watch the Disney Channel in the mornings. MD liked when this video was played: Edward the Tap Dancing Elephant.


5th Birthday

We celebrated MD’s 5th birthday today. We had plans to go on some outings in the morning, but ended up stuck doing errands until it was too late. We did manage to open a “Fat Cat” account at the bank so she could deposit the coins from her bunny bank (to the tune of $94!). It took a lot longer than expected, mainly because the coin counting machine choked and didn’t complete the transaction, so we had no receipt and no record of depositing any coins! The bank straightened it out, but that took most of the morning.

So the celebration was mostly in the late afternoon when we went to Chuck-e-Cheese for her party. She had invited five friends and their families. We got tokens and pizza and the children just had fun playing on the games and in the play zone.

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Say That Again

We were driving home on afternoon and MD asked, “If I were a bridge, with my hands and feet on the ground, would little cars drive over my back?”

CDF just replied, “Yes.”

“Would the water go under my tummy?”


All I could do was smile. As CDF said later, sometimes it’s just better to go with the flow and say “yes,” than try to understand what the question is about.


Fell Off the Bed

For a number of weeks MD has been sleeping without the guard rail attached to the bed (the kind that slips between the mattress and box spring). She has done really well and has not rolled off, at least until last night. Ironically she was just talking about falling off her bed a night or two ago. So sometime in the middle of the night I heard a thump and when I walked into her room she was standing up beside her bed, wondering what had happened. She doesn’t remember much of it this morning — probably a good thing.


Singletary Lake

For CE’s birthday we had planned on going to the beach. But with a storm churning off the coast, the water was too rough to get in. Instead we decided to go to a lake where we could get in the water. One such lake not too far away was Singletary Lake State Park. We had never visited it, but it looked interesting.

We missed the entrance on the way their — actually passed it by because it said “Group Camping,” but it turns out the park is dedicated to camping and they only allow visitors when the park hasn’t been reserved. But we found the office and they gave us the key to get in the main gate. Once in we had the entire park to ourselves.

We walked a little on the main trail, but the girls really just wanted to go to the lake, so we turned back and headed to the pier.


The weather was just right for wading in the water, so we all left our shoes on the pier and got in the shallow water. The lake bottom was sandy around the shore and stayed shallow for a long way out. CE was not happy with the texture under her feet, but got used to it after a while. MD was ready to explore right away.


Later I went back for the picnic bag and the girls went out the pavilion at the end of the pier. We sat on the benches there and ate our sandwiches. At the end CE gave us a scare by running up to the edge of the dock and almost falling in (the water was over 6 feet deep there).


We had a great time and during lunch were scheming on how to get enough people to reserve the park for a weekend.



Hide and Seek

Recently CE has gotten the hang of playing hide-and-seek. There are a couple of funny things she says. First, when we’re counting, she’ll say, “one … thirty … thirty … rey naht.” Then run and say, “ah fahnoo,” when she finds you. Even when she is supposed to be hinding she’ll jump out and yell “ah fahnoo.”

MD is funny too. When CE and I are the “seekers” she’ll be in a closet and knock on the door from the inside and yell, “check in the closet.”

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Two Years

CE is two years old today! One of the major changes that I’ve noticed is that she has really started talking over the past month. She repeats words that anyone says, especially her sister, and enjoys learning sign language. She is also very outgoing and will respond to people when they say hi. She is often the first to say hello to a neighbor, and will shout to people going by on the street. Her personality is really starting to blossom.

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The little one has been busy while here sister away (or around for that matter). The first picture was from breakfast one Saturday when I was keeping the girls at home.


Eating Yogurt

Later on that day she was worn out and took a nap on the way home.


Sleeping in the Car

Dance Class

MD has enjoyed her second class at the dance studio. CDF took some pictures while they were waiting for the class to start.


At the Dance Studio

Later that evening when I got home, MD still wanted to pose so I took another shot of her. It also features a new halter top that she was excited about (it’s like one an Aunt wears).


Halter Top