
Biking to the Park

Saturday morning I took the girls to the Burgaw park. I hooked the bike trailer up to my bike and we rode over. I was a little hesitant about riding on Freemont Street, but I found that I had plenty of room on the side of the road and even if one wheel went in the grass, I didn’t notice it much.

When we got to the park we found that the church across the street was having some sort of revival, and there were a number of youth groups parading from the pavillion down the street ot the church steps. MDF and CEF watched from the jungle gym, and while CEF danced to the parade music, MDF was discussing how she would like to join the marchers.

A little while later we went to the swings. The parade was finished and they were starting to have people perform on the street. A man set up two congas and played for a while. MDF and CEF both just watched and smiled.

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