
Tea Party

Last Wednesday MD’s Pioneer club at church hosted a tea party for grandparents, widows, and widowers to celebrate Valentine’s Day. Of course the parents came along too. We invited the lady across the street who is a widow, and also two of MD’s friends, one who lives next door.

The party was held in the back of the building. Tables were setup up with the short edge against the wall and the tea and hot cocoa set out. At the back were cookies and other treats. CDF had made snicker doodles to bring.

The program for the evening was simple. Once everyone had gotten settled with their food, a group of children got up to recite the Bible verses they had memorized. After that a lady talked a little about what the bible teaches about love. Then it was just time for socializing. I enjoyed watching the children interacting with their grandparents and the other older people who were there.

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