
Ninth Wedding Anniversary

CDF and I celebrated 9 years of being married today. As far as celebrations go it was simple but reminiscent of the days when we were dating. We took some fast food and had a picnic at the beach and then walked up to the inlet between Wrightsville Beach and Figure Eight Island.

This picture reminded CDF of a song by Sixpence None the Richer, with the line “you and the moon are a beautiful sight to me…”

You and the Moon

Close to the inlet there were nesting grounds for shorebirds. As we got close a couple of them took off and appeared to be buzzing us, flying close as if to warn us to stay away. So we stayed close to where the waves came up.

Near the Inlet

On the way back we spotted a sand sculpture. CDF said it must be a lobster, but I thought it looked more like a crawfish.


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