Daughters Wife

“Math! You gotta love it”

This morning CDF sent a series of instant messages about playing with a educational game that uses bears to teach basic math.

(09:59:31 AM) z: CE has some bears & MD has added & subtracted bears
(09:59:55 AM) z: she was excited to learn that 5=+2=7 and 3+4=7 too!
(10:00:10 AM) z: the same with 3+3=6 & 2+4=6
(10:00:23 AM) z: and taking away bears was something too
(10:00:36 AM) z: Math! You gotta love it

The bears are laid out on cards to form a math problem and then MD counts each set individually and as a whole to figure out the answer. She said that MD had to count the bears a couple of times before she would believe that different amounts can add up to the same total.

I’m certainly glad she is having fun learning.

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