Japan Travel

Jet Lag

We spent most of Tuesday (which was mostly still Monday back in the States) laying around, tired from the trip and feeling the effects of jet lag.

MDF and I walked around the building a while, exploring our surroundings. Stephanie and Vasco’s place is on the 4th floor. On the first floor is a community room. We walked around in it and were on our way back up, when we ran into a man who asked us if we were there for the playgroup. I said no, but we’d like to join. So we spent about an hour from 9:30 playing with the kids that normally come to the playgroup. We played with toys for a while, then had a snack, sang some songs, and had craft time where the children colored a bunny picture.

While we were down in the community room, CDF was sleeping. She got up after a while, and we had lunch. In the afternoon we rode around the base to see where everything was. By 6:00 PM though, we were ready for bed again.

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