
DIY Wall Mount for Ubiquiti APs

This project started out with a need to relocate two wireless access points at the church.  While there are some right-angle brackets from Oberon and others that will fit a UAP-AC-LITE, most of them cost nearly as much as the AP itself.

After looking at some templates for 3D printing, I decided instead to cut one out of a piece of 1 x 4 pine that I had on hand.  It turned out the top hole was unnecessary since it ended up getting covered by the mounting plate.  The second, wider hole is where the network cable will pass through to attach to the AP.

I used a simple metal bracket from the hardware store to be able to attach it to the wall.

The mounting plate was attached with screws.  I used some small washers to give extra space between the plate and the wood which will make it easier to attach the AP when installing it.

Though not as nice looking as a professional (or 3D printed) mount, it does the job.  When it’s mounted about 8-feet up on the wall, it will blend into the background nicely.

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