Around the House

Weekend Project, or not…

For a while now we’ve been planing on replacing the flooring in the dining room. The vinyl tiles are beginning to wear out, especially where the chairs go, and the whole floor is starting to show its age. Well Saturday, CDF and I got curious to see what was under the tiles and how hard it might be to tear up. So I suggested we pull up a few in a corner, that way it wouldn’t get in our way until the weekend that we had set aside for floor work.

It turned out that the floor tiles came up really easy. Actually it was a double set of floor tiles, since instead of removing the old ones, the previous occupants had decided to take a shortcut and put another layer on top. But no matter, they both came up easily. So, encouraged, we decided to see what the bump was behind the couch (where a fireplace had once stood).

Surprisingly it was just a extra-thick piece of particle board. Apparently the person replacing the floor after the fireplace had been torn out couldn’t be bother to find the correct thickness and put down 3/4 inch thick board instead of 5/8-inch board. Before I was going to be able to put down the new flooring, I had to cut that extra thick board out and replace it with 5/8-inch plywood. I started after CEF and MDF woke up from their naps and it took quite a while to cut it all out (including cutting into the original flooring to make sure I would have a good fit).

Once we finally had a whole in our floor, it was off to Home Depot to buy the lumber and flooring we wanted. We settled on an white tile design that would match the kitchen.

When we got home I discovered that I had messed up the cut on one side of the hole, and had to go back with the jig saw and straighten it out. But that would have to wait for another day. It was late enough and work enough for one day.

Around the House

Easter Pictures

Yesterday, before we left for church, CDF took some pictures of the girls in their Easter dresses.


Easter Dresses

After they posed for a few minutes, they wanted to dance around. CE followed MD everywhere she went.


Dancing in the Yard
Around the House


CDF and MD went to another birthday party at the skating rink in Wallace. As usual it was loud. But they both were able to skate and had a good time.


MD starts out on the skating rink

MD spent more time skating, while CDF took pictures and talked to the other parents.


She’s taking a chance!
Around the House

Happy New Year

There is an old saying that says something along the lines of whatever you do today, you’ll end up doing for the rest of the year. That and eating a lot of beans (or was it peas) of a certain variety will guarantee lots of money. But regardless of the veracity of those claims, today I spent with CDF and the girls, which makes it a good day by any measure.

I had yesterday and today off as the College was closed. Since the girls have been sick, we decided to keep it low key and stay around the house. Today we went out for a walk around the neighborhood. MD rode her bike, CE sat in the wagon and was pulled along by CDF, and I held the dog’s leash. We went down by the hospital and then came back.

This afternoon, after naps, MD, CE and I watched the beginning of Willow. They each sat in a child sized seat on either side of me. CE was engrossed in the movie almost as much as MD.

Later on we went outside to play and ended up going into the “woods” behind our house and walked through it to the “witches garden” beside Huntington. The girls were a bit squeamish about the prickly pine needles and blackberry briers, but they enjoyed the walk nonetheless.

Around the House


Saturday was the party. We invited family and friends and had a pot luck of hors d’oeuvres and desserts that the guests brought.


Birthday Cake

CDF made the delicious cakes: raspberry cheesecake and a spice cake with cream cheese frosting. Other people brought things such as meatballs, quiche (my Mom), a fruit bowl (Dom and Amber), fruit kabobs (Heidi), cookies (Roy), etc.

Around the House

Sunday Dress

This morning CDF dressed the girls up to go to church. MDF had on pink shirt and skirt combo and wore her boots from her Aunt Janet. CEF had a blue denim dress and a yellow hair clip (for the first time).


CEF with Hair-clip

MDF Posing

They both enjoyed being dressed up. CEF would have liked to pull out the hair clip, but she couldn’t find it to grab it.


CEF Smirking
Around the House

Memorial Day

We celebrated this Memorial day at home. CDF and I took the girls to the park in the morning, and then MDF played in a small pool at the neighbors house later in the day.

At the park MDF played on the slides a little, but spent most of the time running around and swinging. CEF sat in a swing for a long time too. Unfortunately on the way back to the car, MDF tripped in the parking lot and scraped her knee (but when we got home, since she had to rest her leg for a while, she got to watch the first volume of Lord of the Rings with me).

Around the House

Bath Time

Lately I’ve been giving MDF and CEF a bath together. I don’t remember when I started doing it that way — but it’s been a month or so. CEF just loves to be in the tub. She gets really excited whenever I start the water running.


CEF loves having a bath

MDF enjoys having CEF in the tub with her. They don’t play together much yet, but MDF will give CEF toys. CEF just kicks her feet in the water and tries to grab whatever is going by her.


MDF enjoys being
silly in the tub too

MDF is pretty good about having her hair washed — though she does put up a fuss about it sometimes. She liked when I put her hair in a “pony tail” and then showed her the picture.

Around the House


Last night at about 8:15 our electricity went out. It was just starting to get dark so I had enough light to find and light some candles before it got completely dark. MDF enjoyed getting the candles lit and had lots of questions about why the electricity went out.

The first thing MDF when the lights went out was that the computer had turned them off — since it shut off at the same time. But I told her it was something else, such as a car hitting a telephone pole and breaking the power-line.

Then we talked about the water still working — because gravity pushes it down from the water tower.

“I’m glad gravity didn’t go out,” she said seriously.

I laughed and told her it would never go out (as far as I know), so we would have water as long as the water tower was full (though it does take electricity to get water up there).

Around the House



Camera Girl

CEF Growls

Talking on the Phone

CEF Observes the Antics

Anna Cate and MDF