Around the House Family

After Hurricane Florence

The storm had moved past us and into South Carolina by Sunday (Sept. 16). Our house was fine and that afternoon I took the boards off the front window. We were very thankful to have come through the storm with so little damage.

House After the Storm
Our house had survived another hurricane.

On Monday we could see the linemen going around Burgaw and starting to work on restoring power. After we cleaned the yard we decided to drive around while the girls played at a friend’s house. We didn’t get very far. Highway 53 and Interstate 40 was blocked at the overpass. We drove down Highway 117 South until the road block near the bridge.

Flooding on Hwy 117
Flooding on the side of the road as we approach where the water covered the highway.

The North East Cape Fear river stayed over the bridge for many days.

Roadblock on Hwy 117
The roadblock near the NE Cape Fear bridge.

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