We switched out MDF’s crib for a twin bed this afternoon. She was given a comforter set at Christmas and had started talking about sleeping in her “BIG” bed for the past week or so. CDF and I decided that it was time to let her start sleeping in the twin bed we were saving for her.
So we went up to Jacksonville this afternoon and brought the bed back in Roy’s truck. After moving the crib into the spare bedroom (we almost had to take it completely apart), I brought her bed in. We had a minor set-back when I couldn’t find the twin-sized sheets (I think they’re in the attic somewhere) but recovered by using one of our full-sized sheets. Then we put the comforter on the bed and showed it to MDF.
“My beautiful bed,” she said, coming in the room, “It has flowers!” She was quite pleased with her new, big bed.
We’ve put her to bed, and I think she’s cried out once — CDF went to check on her — but I’m hoping she’ll make the transition without any trouble.