
Better Today

CDF rode to the doctor yesterday with Pastor John and Charles (it was very nice for them to give her a lift). She had a check-up and they said she looks fine. She got some antibiotics for a possible infection. She’ll take two pills a day for the next week. Hopefully she won’t be sore for too long.

We also found out that the doctor’s office had tried to call us back twice on Sunday night, but the phone company said our number was out of service. It’s the first time that it’s happened, and I hope it doesn’t happen to often (if ever again). Especially not when we were expecting an important call like that.


Dire Portents

Yesterday evening we went for a short walk, at about 8pm. We were back home and I was working on packing for a business trip when CDF started having pains in the front, left side of her abdomen. She managed to hobble to the bed and when I got there she appeared to be having bad cramps. After a minute or two the pain started to go away.

Then it got worse.

Maybe five minutes or so after she lay down, she sat up. A minute later the cramps returned, and were much more severe. I started getting a little worried… this looked exactly like I imagined labor contractions, but I was sure 29 weeks is to early for that.

Eventually the cramp subsided and I sat down to see if any of her books said something about false labor. Fortunately it did… a whole section. What CDF was experiencing match the symptoms: they occur most often in the evenings and after physical exercise. The contractions (which is what they were) occur at irregular intervals and strong contractions are usually followed by by weak ones.

Fortunately, CDF only had two strong contractions, the rest were weaker. I think the whole episode lasted between 30 and 45 minutes. Today she’s going to the doctor so they can check and make sure everything is still okay (at least they called back this morning, never heard back from them last night :-/ ).


Good Report

This past Friday CDF heard from the doctor about the results from the GTT. Her sugar levels were normal! Needless to say, everyone was very happy and a lot of prayers were answered.

She is more aware about her sugar intake now and she’s been checking the nutrition labels a lot lately (ketchup, salad dressing, soda, etc.). I think she’ll settle down now though.

We did get some helpful advice from Theresa McArthur about foods she can eat while keeping her sugar intake low. She’s not supposed to have more than 3 carbohydrate servings at one meal. Sodas are right out (until after the pregancy, of course). We’re blessed to know someone who can give professional advice.

On another though… I never realized that soda drinks had so much sodium. While Sam was contemplating putting salt in his drink (what he won’t try), somebody beat him to it!


Never so Happy To Gain Weight

My wife was quiet tickled at our last doctor appointment. She had gained 7 lbs. since the last visit (three, or so, weeks ago)! Considering that the same amount she’s gained over the past three years, you can see why she was happy. Especially since she had lost a few pounds from morning sickness (she had gained them back by April, but hadn’t made any significant gains since then).

So she’s right on track and staying healthy. She’s even got a small belly showing now. 🙂


Headaches, Part Two

After my wife had problems with the left side of her vision blacking out, she had gone to the eye doctor near New Bern. They said she checked out okay, but needed to go to her regular doctor to be checked for Multiple Sclerosis (SP?), since the symptoms could indicate a possible case of MS.

So today she went to her doctor here in Wilmington and they said she was fine and not to worry. Unless the symptoms were more severe, the were sure it was only an atypical migraine causing the eye trouble.



Yes, real headaches… and she can’t take any of her prescription migraine medicine (not that she ever did ;->) so when she got a bad headache last Friday there wasn’t much we could do. Fortunately she was able to call the doctor and get a prescription for another type of pill that was safe: a cocktail of Butalbital (for tension headaches), Acetaminophen, and Caffiene. Ha! How about take two Tylenol and drink a cup of Coffee? Seriously, it really helped.

But then on Sunday (yesterday), her vision started getting cloudy with dark spots, mainly on the left side. Her migraines have been on the left… so we don’t know if this is a symptom of the headaches or of the pregnancy. She’s going to an eye-doctor this afternoon.


Discovering we were pregnant.

Tuesday night, February 4, 2003, CDF commented that she was late on her period… more so that usual. For some reason or other, I had been paying attention as well but hadn’t wanted to say anything. What really got me suspicious was when she wanted Ice Cream a couple nights before, just out of the blue, and she normally refused my offer of ice cream for dessert.

So that night we went to WalMart, dodged a few fellows who were trying to buy condoms, and got a test. The next morning before I left for work, she took said test…

This wasn’t the first test we’d taken, but the first time she called me back to see. Neither of us were sure what to do or say next. As far as we knew, we were pregnant!